Tetracyclines Test


Used for various types of honey

Specs:96 T / box
Testing Time:15 mins
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What is the Tetracyclines test?

Tetracyclines Test is based on the Colloidal Gold Immunochromatography to detect the Tetracyclines residues in honey products. This kit can be applied for on-site rapid or lab testing by various departments
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What is Tetracyclines?

1. Definition

Tetracycline is the most basic compound in the tetracycline family of antibiotics. It and its salts are yellow or light yellow crystals. It is extremely stable in the dry state. Except for chlortetracycline, the aqueous solutions of other tetracycline families are quite stable. The tetracycline family is soluble in dilute acids, dilute alkalis, etc., slightly soluble in water and lower alcohols, but insoluble in ethers and petroleum ethers.

2. Classification

Tetracycline antibiotics mainly include chlortetracycline, oxytetracycline, and tetracycline. Tetracycline antibiotics have a common chemical structure. Both chlortetracycline and oxytetracycline are derivatives of tetracycline. The former is chloretracyelin and the latter is oxyeracyein.

3. Tetracyclines doxycycline

Tetracycline and Doxycycline are components of a broad-spectrum antibiotic called tetracycline antibiotics. All antibiotics in this class of drugs are derived from the same four-carbon ring basic structure. However, the specific ring structure of each drug is slightly different and should be recommended based on pharmacokinetics and bacterial resistance. Although doctors use these two drugs to treat many of the same infections, they have proven that each drug is often more effective in certain applications.

The main difference between tetracycline and doxycycline is the difference in pharmacokinetics. Pharmacokinetics refers to the body's response to specific drugs. This includes how the body disperses and metabolizes the drug, and even excludes it eventually. For example, the body tissues that are metabolized by tetracycline are different from doxycycline. The metabolic concentration of doxycycline reaches the highest in the eyes, while the essence of tetracycline is mainly in body fluids.

4. Tetracycline hydrochloride

Tetracycline hydrochloride is a broad-spectrum antibiotic, which has an inhibitory effect on most Gram-positive and negative bacteria, high-concentration bactericidal effect, and can inhibit Rickettsia, trachomavirus, etc. It has a good effect on Gram-negative bacteria. Its mechanism of action is mainly to prevent the binding of aminoacyl groups to ribonucleoprotein bodies, to prevent the growth of peptide chains and protein synthesis, thereby inhibiting the growth of bacteria. It also has a bactericidal effect at high concentrations.

5. Mechanism of action

Tetracycline antibiotics form a reversible conjugate with the 30S subunit of the bacterial inner ribosome to inhibit protein synthesis and play an antibacterial effect. When the antibiotic concentration is low, this reversible competitive binding will also be useless, and bacterial protein synthesis will continue. Tetracycline can also inhibit mitochondrial protein synthesis by binding to the mitochondrial 70S subunit. The binding ability of tetracycline to the 80S subunit of eukaryotic cells is relatively weak, so the ability to inhibit protein synthesis in eukaryotic cells is also weak.

Tetracyclines Uses

1. Tetracycline for fish

Low concentration is bacteriostatic, and high concentration is sterilization. It has no effect on viruses, fungi and Pseudomonas aeruginosa. The effect on Gram-positive bacteria is close to that of penicillins, and the effect on Gram-negative bacteria is similar to that of chloramphenicol. It is used to prevent and treat bacterial diseases such as fish enteritis, red skin and rotten gills.

2. Tetracycline for dogs

Canine enteritis medication. Tetracycline (10-20 mg / kg, twice a day for 1 to 2 weeks) can obtain satisfactory results. In some cases, metronidazole (10-20 mg / kg, twice a day, continued medication for 1 to 2 weeks) is better because it also has the effect of suppressing obligate anaerobic bacteria.

3. Tetracycline for chickens

Tetracycline drugs can prevent and treat various diseases of poultry, such as typhoid fever, dysentery, cholera, infectious synovitis, infectious rhinitis, chronic respiratory disease, streptococcus disease, staphylococcus disease, listeriosis, spirochete disease and coccidiosis Wait. In addition, it also has the effect of reducing stress response, increasing egg production and increasing hatchability.

The hazards of Tetracyclines

The first is the obvious gastrointestinal reaction. If you take oral tetracycline drugs, it will directly stimulate gastrointestinal function, causing gastrointestinal symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, diarrhea, abdominal discomfort, indigestion, and loss of appetite. Symptoms such as ulcers of the esophagus, stomach ulcers, and bleeding may appear.

Second, there is a double infection, such as the frail elderly, because of the combined use of glucocorticoids and anti-tumor drugs, it will have a double infection.

Third, it will affect the growth of bones or teeth, so children should not use it as much as possible.

Fourth, there will be liver damage.

Fifth, there is nephrotoxicity.

Features of Tetracyclines Test

1. 15min reading results

2. Detection limits respond to EU and US FDA norms

3. Neither professionals nor equipment required

4. Easy to operate and read

Detection Method of Tetracyclines Test

The Tetracyclines Test, based on colloidal gold competition method, is used for testing Tetracyclines residues in honey sample and meets EU MRL. This kit can be applied for on-site testing by various departments.

Samples of Tetracyclines Test

Samples include: honey

Detection Limit of Tetracyclines Test

The LOD may change according to requirement or specimen's difference, please refer to kit instruction for further details.

Performance Information

FluoroquinolonesMRL (ug/kg)
Oxilinic acid1

Importance of Tetracyclines Test

Tetracyclines Test can help manufacturers, regulatory agencies, and the public monitor product quality and help humans protect their health.

Components of Tetracyclines Test

1. Test Kit: 10pcs

2. Hexane(12ml):1bottle

3. Product Instruction:1

4. Micro well: 10pcsc

5. Re-Hydration Fluid(2ml): 1bottle

6. Centrifuge Tube (15ml): 20pcs

Materials for Tetracyclines Test

1. Ethyl Acetate

2. Mixer

3. Oscillator

4. Electronic Balance

5. Centrifuge

6. Organomation

7. Pipette

How to use Tetracyclines Test?

1. Read the instruction and let the sample at room temperature (20-25℃).

2. Take out the test strip, use within 1h.

3. Drop 100µL of sample into the micro well, pipetting up and down for 6 times to dissolve the reagent. Then, incubate for 5mins at room temperature.

4. Drop 100µL sample into the sample well, stand for 5mins at room temperature.

5. Read the result within 5-8mins. The result after 5-8mins is invalid.

Interpretation for Tetracyclines Test

Interpretation for test result


When antibiotics were first used on humans, we regarded them as "elixir". As the problem of antibiotic abuse continues to worsen, their resistance has also brought huge harm to humans.

Therefore, in daily life, we should avoid food with antibiotic residues. The first step to self-help: we need to detect antibiotic residues.

How to order Tetracyclines Test?

Please check the online catalog and contact our sale representative via email: info@ballyabio.com or fill out contact form below:

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