Water Quality

Water is the source of life, and the quality of drinking water is closely related to human health. The water quality requirements of the food production process are more stringent, monitoring from the source and eliminating pollution.

BALLYA – Water Test suitable for varied water: Drinking water, secondary water supply, well water, groundwater, natural mineral water, domestic sewage, industrial water.

Ready-to-use Culture Medium For Water
Coliform & Thermotolerant Coliforms
E. Coli Culture Medium
Streptococcus Faecium Culture Medium
P. Aeruginosa Culture Medium

Ready-to-use, results as soon as 24 ± 2hours
Easy-to-use and provide accurate, efficient, reliable results
Eliminating cumbsome steps of prepare media, sterilization, tempered

Health industry
Countryside drinking water
Municipal tap water (water treatment, water source, secondary water supply)
Swimming Pool and SPA
Decentralized water supply and inspection

Environmental protection industry
Environmental water bodies (surface water, groundwater, seawater, aquaculture, landscape water, river water)
Sewage discharge (domestic sewage, electroplating sewage)

Industrial Application
Industrial water treatment (boiler water, cooling circulating water, desalinated desalinated water, microbiological testing)

Beverage (natural mineral water, bottled purified water, iron and manganese controlled water, water source water research, dairy product testing)

Food (food processing water, fruit and vegetable cleaning water)

Farming and slaughtering plants
Soil fertility

About Water quality

Water quality definition

Water quality

It marks the physical properties (such as color, turbidity, odor, etc.), chemistry (contents of inorganic and organic matter), and organisms (bacteria, microorganisms, plankton, benthic organisms) and their composition.
Water quality In order to evaluate the quality of water bodies, a series of water quality parameters and water quality standards are specified. Such as domestic drinking water, industrial water and fishery water quality standards.

Water quality standards

Water quality standards specify the maximum allowable concentrations of pollutants and other substances in water bodies. According to the type of water body, it can be divided into ground water quality standards, seawater quality standards, and groundwater quality standards; according to the use of water resources, it can be divided into drinking water quality standards, fishery water quality standards, agricultural water quality standards, recreational water quality standards, and various Industrial water quality standards. Due to the different purposes, application scope and requirements of various standards, the standard values of the same pollutant in different standards are also different.

Water quality report

Water quality parameters

Water quality parameters are characteristic indicators of various substances in water that are used to indicate the quality of the water environment (water body), the degree of change, and the trend of change.

1. Turbidity:

It is an expression of the optical properties of water samples. It is used to indicate the degree of clarity and turbidity of water. It is one of the most important indicators to measure the good quality of water. Important basis for technical status. The decrease in turbidity means that the content of organic matter, bacteria, viruses and other microorganisms in the water body is reduced, which can not only improve the disinfection and sterilization effect, but also reduce the amount of halogenated organic matter.

2. Odor and smell:

The production of water odor is mainly due to the presence of organic matter, which may be caused by increased biological activity or industrial pollution. Changes in the normal odor of public water supplies may be a signal of changes in the quality of raw water or inadequate water treatment.

3. Residual chlorine:

Residual chlorine refers to the amount of chlorine remaining in the water after exposure to chlorine for a certain period of time. Having continuous sterilization ability in water can prevent self-contamination of water supply pipelines and ensure the quality of water supply.

4. Chemical oxygen demand:

Refers to the amount of oxygen required by chemical oxidants to oxidize organic pollutants in water. The higher the chemical oxygen consumption, the more organic pollutants in the water. Organic pollutants in water are mainly generated from the discharge of domestic sewage or industrial wastewater, and the decomposed and decomposed animals and plants flow into the water body.

5. The total number of bacteria:

Bacteria contained in water, from air, soil, sewage, garbage and dead bodies of animals and plants, the types of bacteria in water are diverse, including pathogenic bacteria. The standard for drinking water in China is that the total number of bacteria in 1ml of water does not exceed 100.

6. Total coliform group:

It is an indicator bacteria of fecal pollution, and the condition detected from it can indicate whether there is fecal pollution in the water and its degree of pollution. In the process of water purification, after the disinfection treatment, if the total coliform index can meet the requirements of drinking water standards, it means that other pathogenic bacteria have also been basically killed. The standard is no more than 3 / L in the test.

7. Heat-resistant coliform group:

It more closely reflects the degree of food and human and animal contamination than the coliform group, is also an indicator bacteria of water body fecal contamination.

8. Escherichia coli:

E. coli is a representative bacterium of the genus Escherichia. Generally not pathogenic, it is a resident bacteria in the intestines of humans and animals, which can cause extra-intestinal infection under certain conditions. Some serotype strains are highly pathogenic and cause diarrhea, collectively referred to as pathogenic E. coli. Enterobacteriaceae is a group of G-bacteria with similar biological traits, mostly in the intestines of humans and animals. Escherichia is one of them, including many kinds of bacteria. Escherichia coli is the most common clinically. E. coli, commonly known as E. coli, is a normal parasite in the large intestine of all mammals. On the one hand, it can synthesize vitamin B and K for absorption and utilization by the body. On the other hand, it can inhibit the excessive proliferation of spoilage bacteria and pathogenic bacteria and fungi. But when they leave the parasitic part of the intestine and enter other parts of the body, they can cause infections. Some types of bacteria are pathogenic and cause intestinal or urinary tract infections.

Issues with water quality

Water pollution occurs when harmful substances (usually chemicals or microorganisms) contaminate rivers, rivers, lakes, oceans, aquifers or other bodies of water, degrade the water quality and make it toxic to people or the environment.

Water is particularly vulnerable to pollution. Water, known as a "universal solvent," dissolves more substances than any other liquid on the planet. That's why we have Kool-Aid and gorgeous blue waterfalls. This is why water is easily contaminated. Toxic substances from farms, towns and factories easily dissolve and mix with them, causing water pollution.

Harm of water pollution

Water-borne pathogens in the form of pathogenic bacteria and viruses from human and animal waste are the major causes of drinking water pollution. Diseases transmitted by unsafe water include cholera, Giardia and typhoid. Even in rich countries, accidental or illegal discharges of sewage treatment facilities and runoff from farms and urban areas can cause harmful pathogens to waterways.

Water quality monitoring

Groundwater monitoring departments in various places shall set up monitoring points in groundwater areas of different quality categories for water quality monitoring, and the monitoring frequency shall not be less than twice a year (high and dry periods).
The monitoring items are: pH, COD, BOD, SS, ammonia nitrogen, nitrate, nitrite, volatile phenols, cyanide, arsenic, mercury, chromium (hexavalent), total hardness, lead, fluorine, cadmium, iron, Manganese, total soluble solids, permanganate index, sulfates, chlorides, coliforms, and other items reflecting major water quality issues in the region.

How is water quality measured at home?

Fill a glass with water with a glass with high transparency, and see if there is any subtle substance suspended in the water against the light? Let it stand for three hours, and then observe if there is sediment in the bottom of the cup? If there are, the suspended impurities in the water have seriously exceeded the standard.

Take a glass as far away from the tap as possible and take a glass of water, then smell it with your nose. Is there a smell of bleach (chlorine)? If you can smell the bleach powder (chlorine), it means that the residual chlorine in the tap water exceeds the standard.

Drink boiled water hot, with or without the smell of bleach (chlorine). If you can smell the smell of bleach (chlorine), it means that the residual chlorine in the tap water exceeds the standard! You must also use a water purifier for terminal treatment.

Make tea with tap water and observe whether the tea turns black after overnight? If the tea turns black, it means that the iron and manganese contained in the tap water is seriously exceeded, and a water purifier equipped with a filter element for removing iron and manganese should be used for terminal treatment;

Does it taste astringent when tasting plain water? If so, the water hardness is too high.

Check the water heater and kettle at home. Is there a layer of yellow dirt on the inner wall? If there is, it also indicates that the hardness of the water is too high (the content of calcium and magnesium salts is too high), and the softening treatment should be used as soon as possible! Note: Water with excessively high hardness can easily cause scaling of water heater pipes and bursting due to poor heat exchange; drinking water with excessively high hardness for a long period of time can easily lead to various stones.

Water quality testing

With the social and economic development, scientific progress and improvement of people's living standards, people's requirements for the quality of drinking water have continued to increase, and the standards for drinking water quality have continued to develop and improve accordingly. Since the formulation of drinking water quality standards is related to many factors such as people's living habits, culture, economic conditions, scientific and technological development levels, water resources and their water quality status, not only between countries, but also between different regions in the same country, There are differences in the requirements for drinking water quality.

Water quality test kit

More and more water quality tester used in accordance with national conditions have been developed.


The quality of water is closely related to our life and physical health. To ensure the quality of water is to guarantee our life. The price of professional water quality detectors may be unbearable for ordinary people. For this reason, the water quality home test kit independently developed by Ballya is in line with the habits of most ordinary families. These detection tools are not only easy to operate, but also have short detection time and good detection results.

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