Dairy cows have a fever when their body temperature reaches above 39 degrees Celsius. Some dairy farmers think the fever is a minor illness, it does not matter it is not. Some fever diseases of dairy cows, if not treated in time, will not only aggravate the disease but also affect milk, even cause death. This is because fever is a systemic response characterized by increased activity of the sympathetic nervous system function. Therefore, cattle farmers must pay great attention to it to prevent the disease from aggravating.
Types of main symptoms
1. A persistent fever
It refers to the high fever that lasts for several days and the daily difference in body temperature is less than 1 C. It is called a missed fever. It is common in bovine tumors, lobar pneumonia, bovine paratyphoid fever, and septicemia.
2. Dyspnea fever
Dairy cows have a fever accompanied by dyspnea, purple oral mucosa, and tachycardia, which indicates that the heart and lung function of the diseased cows is impaired, which is caused by a pathological respiratory disorder, such as pulmonary dyspnea, psychological dyspnea, and toxic dyspnea. Most of them are dangerous signals and need prompt treatment.
3. A crawling fever
The sudden increase of exercise, continuous weight-bearing, sweating and body temperature in dairy cattle can cause cardiopulmonary dysfunction. Causes the cow muscle ache, the limbs trembles, often lie down, causes the heart failure to die.
4. Unconscious fever
It is a symptom of severe depression of the central nervous system, indicating that cows are seriously ill and have affected brain function. If the treatment is not timely, it can lead to a coma. The symptoms are mostly in the near-death stage of encephalitis, hepatic coma and various serious toxic diseases.
5. Fever with reduced urine output
If fever cow urine volume reduced, mostly for cow nephritis. The kidneys have pain response, pain, and uneasiness in the kidney area, often edema, severe urinary arrest, resulting in uremia and so on. Most of them have nausea and vomit symptoms, which indicate that the kidney is damaged and the condition is serious.
6. Emaciated fever
Some dairy cows suffer from fever accompanied by chronic progressive or abnormal weight loss, which indicates that the cows have severe pathological changes and are in serious condition. Typical are bovine pneumonia and bovine pneumonia.
7. Skin swelling fever
The diseased cows, with edema, emphysema or swelling of muscles occur in different parts of the skin, accompanied by fever symptoms, such as cattle influenza, cattle malignant edema, emphysema gangrene, bovine Pasteurellosis (bovine hemorrhagic septicemia), anthrax and so on.
8. Non-infectious fever
Firstly, it is a neoplastic fever caused by malignant tumors, which is characterized by long-term low fever or irregular high fever.
Secondly, immune fever is caused by lymphoid hormones released by antigen-antibody complexes, which are common in immune diseases and drug allergies.
Thirdly, albuminous fever caused by autologous or heterogeneous protein decomposition is common in cattle with trauma, surgery, radiotherapy and internal hemorrhage.
Fourthly, calves regulate body temperature differences, such as dehydration caused by hot weather, lack of ventilation and insufficient water supply.
9. Functional slight fever
The symptoms are functional low fever caused by vegetative nerve disorder and dysfunction of heat dissipation. Fever, like inflammation, is a physiological defense function of the bovine body against pathogenic factors, and also a good reaction ability of the bovine body. Infectious fever within a certain limit is beneficial to the bovine body to overcome the disease and restore health and is beneficial to the bovine body.
10. A sudden drop in temperature
The sudden drop of high temperature refers to the sudden drop of bovine body temperature below the normal temperature of 1 ~2 C, which is a crisis before the death of diseased cattle. It means bovine body failure and decreased reactivity. With the decrease of body temperature, blood pressure, body cooling, blue-purple conjunctiva, tongue and lip paralysis and so on. The most common symptoms are massive hemorrhage, major surgery, and postpartum paralysis.
11. Other diseases
Bovine Tay's cockroach disease and calf paratyphoid fever can also cause bovine body temperature to rise to 40 degrees Celsius.
After identifying symptoms, prescribe symptoms correctly. For feverish dairy cows, early diagnosis should be made, the cause of fever should be found out, and the cause of fever should be treated by the differentiation of symptoms and signs.
① When the temperature of dairy cows rises above 39 C, antipyretic measures should be considered, such as acupuncture, towel cold compress, etc. Antipyretic drugs can be used Analgin or antipyretic detoxification of Chinese herbal medicine. It is worth noting that the use of antipyretics should start with a small dose to prevent a sudden drop in body temperature, sweating and collapse.
② For feverish dairy cows, attention should be paid to improving the environment, paying attention to resting cattle, giving them easy to digest and nutritious feed.
③ Cattle breeders should pay attention to the supply of supplementary water to allow it to drink freely. Because cattle have a fever, their mouth is dry and their tongue is dry. At the same time, drinking water can also purge fire and promoting fecal patency.