soy milk

Is baby constipation related to milk powder?

Posted on  November 5, 2019, Edited by Samantha, Category  

When it comes to "bad supplements", many mothers may think of high-salt, much sugar, high-calorie, difficult to digest supplements, such as fried foods. Then let me tell you what causes constipation for babies.

Generally speaking, few mothers give their babies such supplements, because everyone knows their disadvantages: increasing the burden of digestion of the baby's intestines and stomach, no nutritional facts, and it is the cause of constipation for babies and can fire in the baby.

However, the next three kinds of supplementary food, many mothers think it is good supplementary food and often for children to eat. But in essence, they are "bad supplements" and are not recommended for babies.


1. Porridge

Porridge is light and easy to digest, and the baby will not suffer from excessive internal heat, many parents will use porridge as the most commonly eaten baby's supplementary food.

But the bad thing about it is that the nutrient density is very low, except starch and water, lack of protein and vitamins and other nutrients. And the longer the cooking time, the more vitamin loss, it is difficult to meet the needs of baby growth and development.

Nutritional density refers to the concentration of important nutrients (vitamins, minerals, and proteins) in food based on unit calories. With the same calories (such as 1 kilo-calorie), the more nutrients such as supplementary different types of vitamins, minerals, and proteins, the higher the nutrient density.

Babies are in the growth stage, this stage of their appetite is not big, that is, the need for milk calories is limited, but the need for nutrition is very large. If we do not pay attention to feeding babies a lot of "low nutrient density" food like porridge, then they will unconsciously eat a lot of things that occupy the stomach, producing a sense of satiety, affecting the intake of milk, so that the body does not get adequate milk nutrition.

baby food
baby food

In the long run, it will affect the baby's intellectual and physical development. Parents should use porridge as a basic supplement and add different ingredients, such as egg yolk, meat powder, mushroom, various seasonal vegetables, to boil porridge as supplementary food, to improve its nutritional density.

baby food
baby food

2. Juice

Many mothers would think that fruit juice is also good complimentary food, because the juice made by themselves is pure natural zero addition, why can't the baby drink it?

Compared with the direct consumption of fresh fruit,  juice has three main problems that can cause constipation symptoms.

1. Reduction of nutrient intake: For fruit juice pressed by extrusion, most dietary fibers are lost due to the discarding of pulp, and vitamin C will also be lost a lot. The loss of dietary fiber is relatively less for fruit juice crushed by cell wall-break food processor, but the loss of vitamin C is still more.

2. Increase in sugar intake: Because fruit juice is not as full as fruit, it is easy to drink 2-3 apple juice for babies who can only eat one apple at ordinary times. This can lead to excessive sugar intake, which in the long run may increase the risk of obesity and lead to a baby's preference for sweets. In addition, if the oral cavity is not cleaned in time, it is easy to form dental caries.

3. Lack of chewing exercise: For babies whose teeth are growing, drinking juice does not require chewing, which reduces the chance of chewing exercise.

baby food
baby food

To sum up, fruit juice is really not a good supplement. For small-month-old babies, you can pound mud to feed the baby. For a slightly older baby with teeth, it is possible to cut fruit into small bars and slices so that the baby can grab and eat them. This not only retains the original nutrition of the fruit but also exercises the baby's chewing ability and grasping ability.

Children can drink fruit juice in limited quantities when they are older, but remember that fruit juice should not be used instead of fruit. The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends that children aged 1-6 should not drink more than 120-180 ml of fruit juice per day. Nutrition experts recommend that when drinking, it should be diluted four times with boiled water and drunk better through straws rather than bottles to reduce the risk of dental caries.

It should be noted that this article does not mean that fruit juice is useless. The juice itself retains a considerable portion of the nutrients in the fruit. But it's not a good way for constipation relief. The American Academy of Pediatrics also acknowledges that fruit juice is beneficial (compared with not eating fruit at all).

But compared with eating fruit, drinking fruit juice has no additional benefits. On the contrary, it is easy to cause problems such as excessive sugar intake, dental caries, and constipation. So parents should know some home remedies for constipation.

3. Vegetable water

Many parents consider that the mud is difficult to digest, or the baby does not like to eat, and so on, will process the vegetables into vegetable water, that is, put the vegetables in the water to boil for a few minutes, and then feed them to the baby. However, boiling vegetables with water is actually the process of blanching vegetables. Pesticides and oxalic acid residues on vegetable leaves will dissolve in water. Such vegetable water is not only nutritious but also may endanger the health of babies.

In addition, vegetable water itself is not nutritious, easy to occupy the baby's original small stomach, affecting the baby's milk or other supplementary food intakes and causing constipation pain for babies. The correct way is to blanch the vegetables with boiled water once, and then process them into a puree or shredded vegetables for the baby to eat.

The above-mentioned porridge, fruit juice, and vegetable water are all non-recommended supplements, so what kind of supplements is a good supplement?


4. What are the criteria for good complementary foods?

1. A staple food as the main ingredient, rice pasta, noodles, porridge, etc., are common types. At the same time, pay attention to mixing other ingredients, such as meat, fish, eggs, vegetables and so on. Ensure the intake of protein, fat, vitamins and other trace elements (especially iron).

2. The degree of softness and hardness of complimentary food and processing characteristics should be matched with the baby's current digestive and chewing abilities so that it is not difficult for the baby to eat and digest.

3. Supplementary foods do not contain bones and hard pieces, and there is no risk of throat sticking or choking.

4. The food used for supplementary food is fresh and the production process is clean and hygienic. Less sugar, no salt, no seasoning within 1 year old; insist on the light diet after 1 year old.

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