
How do you prevent aflatoxins?

Posted on  November 9, 2019, Edited by Samantha, Category  

Recently, the China Food and Drug Administration issued a circular on the sampling inspection of infant formula milk powder in 2014. According to the data, 48 batches of sampling were not qualified. The safety of milk powder was pushed to the forward position. In this regard, some dairy experts have praised the strict and transparent national food safety standards, and the new strict milk powder policy has been implemented so that consumers realize their safety interests are protected.


In this "substandard milk powder" incident, the term aflatoxin has once again entered our perspective. The problem of aflatoxin M1 exceeding the standard is related to the feed of the dairy female cow in the cattle company. Milk powder safety can not be separated from a high-quality milk source, and the direct correlation with milk source is pasture and dairy cows.

So what is aflatoxin? Let me answer it for you.
Aflatoxin, as a mycotoxin, is a metabolite of fungi produced when the grain is not dried and stored in time, and widely exists in the food. It is highly toxic and carcinogenic. The harmfulness of aflatoxin is its destructive effect on human and animal liver tissues, which can lead to liver cancer and even death in severe cases.

China has the highest allowable content of aflatoxin in the milk and its products in the milk markets (sterilized milk, fresh raw milk, whole milk powder, evaporated milk, sweet condensed milk) and butter fresh pig tissue (liver, kidney, blood, and lean meat) is 0.5 g/kg (aflatoxin M1).


Aflatoxin is difficult to remove because of its high temperature and acid resistance. So we have nothing to do to remove it? We can use the aflatoxin remove machine to achieve the goal of aflatoxin removal. Aflatoxin remover can degrade aflatoxin to meet national standards, that is, 0.5 ug/kg.

The equipment mainly utilizes the principle of high-intensity and high-efficiency ultraviolet sterilization. The strong destructive power of external light on DNA and RNA of bacteria and toxin cells is utilized to make the cells lose their viability and fecundity, and then eliminate the bacteria and toxins, to achieve the effect of disinfection and sterilization, and prevent the bacteria infection and milk allergic.

On the one hand, ultraviolet light can mutate nucleic acid, block its replication, transcription and protein synthesis; on the other hand, the production of free radicals can cause photoionization, leading to cell death. Thus, the effect of degradation and detoxification of aflatoxin B1 can be achieved. After removing the aflatoxin, the dosage of it in the food is under 0.5 ug/kg. At this dosage, the harm of aflatoxin in food to the human body can be neglected.

After reading the above, you may ask, how do we know the aflatoxin content in milk powder is already remove after degradation? We can use BALLYA aflatoxin B1 rapid test kit to make a detection. Quick and convenient.

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