The secret the breeds of Dairy Cows

What is the best breed of dairy cow?

Posted on  November 5, 2019, Edited by Eleanor, Category  

Behind a successful cow, there must be countless cows to pave the way for it. Do you know what is the best breed of cow?

Although the most common dairy cows are Holstein cows originating in the province of Fischer LAN, Greater Netherlands, the dairy family still has many competitors in the milk production competition like milk powder. Professionally, they have at least one big advantage over Holstein cattle - they can take color photographs.

So, you deserve to see the cows and cows of these small crowds!

1. The World's Largest Transnational Cow Marriage Group--Kiwi Cross cow

The secret the breeds of Dairy Cows
The secret the breeds of Dairy Cows

New Zealand bred a new synthetic line of dairy cows, Kiwi-Cross, in early 2005. It is a new breed of Holstein cattle and Juan shan't cattle.

According to the statistics of the New Zealand Dairy Association, the proportion of Juanhe crossbred dairy cattle in New Zealand has reached 41% in 2012, which is the largest crossbred dairy cattle population in the world and the largest dairy cattle population in New Zealand.

The offspring of cattle in transnational and interracial marriages are particularly profitable! In addition to being more resilient and survivable, it also has the advantages of stronger and perfect breasts and excellent dairy cow life expectancy.

  • Being good at producing delicious cheese-- Normandie
The secret the breeds of Dairy Cows
The secret the breeds of Dairy Cows

As a dairy-meat cattle, Normandie is known as the "best breed for cheese production" because of its high milk fat rate and protein rate (milk fat 4.3%, protein 3.65%). If you want to eat delicious cheese fries, you must choose it!

  • Good-quality cow-- Montbeliarde
The secret the breeds of Dairy Cows
The secret the breeds of Dairy Cows

Montbeliarde cattle were bred in the 18th century through a long-term selection of Swiss carmine mottled cattle. In France, it is listed as one of the main dairy products, and its milk production is second only to Holstein cattle.

Compared with Holstein's production advantage and Normandy's milk and protein specialty, her raw milk not only meets the requirements of cheese production but also has enough milk to produce liquid milk (average yield of more than 10 tons per unit); moreover, the quality of bull beef is excellent, especially milk steak, and has been exported to more than 40 countries, which can be called the "Excellent students" in dairy industry.

  • A contestant for hegemony with Holstein--Brown Swiss
The secret the breeds of Dairy Cows
The secret the breeds of Dairy Cows

Brown Swiss, known locally as Braunvieh in Switzerland, is the oldest dairy cow breeds.

The cow is a three-purpose breed bred in the Albert Mountains of Switzerland, used for milk, beef, and servitude. Its body size and weight are slightly smaller than Holstein cows, but its milk protein content is higher than Holstein cows, especially suitable for grazing. Its milk production like milk ducts is excellent.

Although the Swiss brown cattle have been stocked several times more than Holstein cows worldwide, it is an unambiguous competitor.

The secret the breeds of Dairy Cows
The secret the breeds of Dairy Cows

The Pie Rouge breed was crossbred in 1966. From the appearance, it is more like a sister of Holstein. Except for the beautiful carmine color, other appearance characteristics and breeding characteristics are quite similar to Holstein.

However, Carmine Red Spotted Cattle have a longer life span, with an average of 0.5 births per cow longer than Holstein's. Compared with the milking output which is slightly lower than that of Holstein, the long enough period of labor still allows a good balance between input and output.

  • The Best dress style-- Dutch Belted
The secret the breeds of Dairy Cows
The secret the breeds of Dairy Cows

The earliest records of Dutch Belted appeared in northeastern Switzerland and Austria in 1750. It is said that it is because of its unique black body elegant white belt with noble temperament.

It was introduced to the United States in 1838. At present, fewer than 200 cattle are registered by the Dutch White Belt Association in the United States. The calf has fine bones and is prone to calving.

  • With the beautiful Ox horn-- Ayrshire
The secret the breeds of Dairy Cows
The secret the breeds of Dairy Cows

It was not until the late 17th century that there was a real report of the Elisha cattle in the world.

The shape of horns is the most typical characteristic of the formation and development of Elysia cattle breed. The horn base grows outward and upward and backward gradually. In the past, breeders would shape the horn to make it grow more beautiful.

It is suitable for grazing. It likes eating grass and tender leaves. Calves are strong and easy to raise. In the breeding of Elysia cattle, we always pay attention to breast firmness and good type, which make them have the characteristics of longevity. Compared with other breeds, the milk yield, milk fat rate and milk protein rate of Elisha cattle were at the middle level.

  • With the cute appearance-- Jersey
The secret the breeds of Dairy Cows
The secret the breeds of Dairy Cows

Jersey is the smallest dairy cattle breeds originating from the islands of the English Channel. The breed is genetically related to Swiss brown cattle, Devon cattle and Kerry cattle, but not Holstein cattle.

Adult bulls are 123-130 cm tall and cows 111-120 cm tall.

The typical feature is facial depression in the middle. But with good temper, milk production performance is also wonderful. Its milk nutrition facts are also plentiful.

American Jersey Cattle Club was founded in 1868. At present, about 160,000  Jersey cattle in the United States participate in DHIA, increasing at a rate of 2% per year.

Such a delicate physique, people can not help but grasp them as pets.

  • Vanished antiques-- Lineback
The secret the breeds of Dairy Cows
The secret the breeds of Dairy Cows

Randall Lineback cattle, an old breed of dairy cattle in England, was extinct in the 1980s.

The white hair on the spine line is like just coming back from a walk in the snow. As a working animal for both meat and milk, breeders often prefer to enjoy their unique color patterns and gentle temper.

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