List of world famous milk brands, the following features 10 world-famous milk brands. These come from a variety of geographic locales and each pack a notable punch in the dairy product line.
Ⅰ. Devondale
After being established in 1950, this Australian company has focused its operations on natural dairy products. A trusted mainstay on the dairy market, Devondale has garnered wide popularity for its products that range from milk and milk powder to cream and cheese. They are widely regarded for their reliability of producing a healthy product and great quality.
Ⅱ. Arla
Established in 1881, this world-famous milk brand has had a successful 139-year operational life, solidifying its position among the top organic milk manufacturers in the world. Not only was this brand praised by the Danish dairy industry, but it is also the preferred and favored choice of Danish royalty, being adopted for use as a royal brand.
Ⅲ. Satine
With the primary goal of providing every customer with quality, pure milk, this Chinese branded company was established in 2006 with its headquarters located in Hohhot, Inner Mongolia. Satine has adopted the mindset of researching and developing the best organic food with maximum health benefits, elevating its milk products to being one of the finest in the world.
Ⅳ. Trensu
This famous milk brand was a product released by the Mengniu Dairy Co., Ltd. The company was established in China in 2005 and focuses on delivering products made from natural pastures. The company also adheres to the strict international advanced technology standard to produce the highest quality dairy products for their consumers.
Ⅴ. Yili
Since being founded and established in Inner Mongolia in 1993, Yili has been focused on delivering top of the line dairy products including milk, milk powder, cold drinks, raw milk, and yogurts. In 2014 Yili was dubbed as the “largest dairy enterprise in Asia.” The name is suited considering that it had at that point garnered a worldwide reputation to go along with its nearly 54.5 billion yuan in earnings.
Ⅵ. Mengniu
As one of the most reputable names in the dairy industry, this Chinese milk company established in 1999 produced a wide range of dairy products. These included a variety of milk drinks, infant milk powder, and ice creams. Their production system and focus on leveraging natural resources have earned them a world-leading place in the market in a little over 2 decades of operation.
Ⅶ. Weidendorf
This German company established in 2009 is a famous food producer, with a concentrated focus on research and development of dairy products including milk, yogurt, cheese, milk powder, and ice cream. The company relies heavily on quality control throughout its production process to deliver top-notch products to its customers worldwide.
Ⅷ. Sanyuan
As one of the most famous dairy brands in the world, Sanyuan has been a Chinese mainstay since 1956. Passing certification of multiple management systems, it focuses on the production of a series of high-quality dairy offerings like milk, cheese, yogurt, and milk powder.
Ⅸ. Anchor
Operational since its establishment back in 1886, New Zealand’s Anchor is a well-known company, with products very popular in many Chinese cities. It has an excellent reputation for its high-quality products and focuses on comprehensive nutritional needs in its dairy line that includes milk, cheese, yogurt, and milk powder products.
Ⅹ. Shengmu
Established in 2013, Shengmu quickly rose in the ranks as one of the most well known Chinese organic milk manufacturers. Since its establishment, the company has focused on high-quality food-management offering dairy products ranging from milk products to cream and yogurt. Making purchasing their products more convenient for customers, Shengmu established flagship stores online at, as well as at Tmall.